About Us

Twin City Foods About Us


About Us




The story begins near the turn of the century when Arne’s father, Ole Lervick, left his homeland of Norway to pursue the American dream.
Penniless, but hardworking, Ole eventually saved enough money to start up his own logging company near Stanwood, Washington. He and his wife, Mary, raised three sons, Arthur, Magnar and Arne.
Art and Mag followed in the footsteps of their father, devotĀ­ing their time to the family logĀ­ging business. Arne, however, turned to farming. On the side, he operated a small trucking business, hauling local peas and corn to nearby food processors.


It was in 1943, when Arne, with the help of his father, bought an abandoned cannery building in Stanwood. Banking on the idea that frozen vegetables would become the wave of the future, Arne embarked on a venture that would eventually involve the entire family. In 1945, Twin City Foods, named for the then two cities of West Stanwood and East Stanwood, incorporated. Today, the company owns three processing plants in Washington and Michigan, as well as four cold storage facilities with combined storage capacities of roughly 137 million pounds of frozen vegetables.

Twin City Foods Certified Organics

Twin City Foods NON GMO

Twin City Foods BTC

Twin City Foods Kosher

Twin City Foods Control Union

Twin City Foods JAS

Twin City Foods HALA

Twin City Foods people

Twin City Foods Tractor

Twin City Foods Conveyor Belt