This is the TCF’s Quarterly report. For reports archive please visit the News Section of the site.
Exciting News
In September, Maria Alvarez joined Twin City Foods in Ellensburg as Food Safety and Quality Assurance Manager.
Our harvest and field operations team has officially transitioned to the newly expanded and upgraded harvest center near our Pasco processing facility. As of October 1, they have begun working full time in the new building. The team is nearing the completion of the corn harvest and has begun overhaul of our pea harvester fleet.
We are currently in our nineth week of the corn harvest, with over 85% of the pack plan completed. Of that, 95% has been A grade corn. Harvest is expected to finish the week of October 20th. Ellensburg will begin digging carrotsonOctober5, with the conventional carrot harvest scheduled to start on October 7.
We are in the final week of the 2024 green bean season. While early July brought heavy rainfall, which impacted harvesting and processing, September’s weather has been ideal, allowing us to harvest high-quality beans. Overall, green bean yields have been average, but given the late stage in the season, we are pleased with the outcome.